Hello World

Have you ever wondered if the tradition of starting a new programming language with the classic 'Hello World', can be applied to the world of creating a blog?

Hi, I am Ruchi Mankar, an average college student from VJTI, Mumbai. I have been thinking about this for the past few days. Every day when I open my laptop, I see a tab titled Editing "Hello World".(yes, sometimes I don't close all tabs and shut down the laptop)

They say it can be challenging to start something new. As a student with little prior writing experience, I feel like a tiny boat in an ocean of words. However, as an IT student, confronting challenges head-on is an inherent aspect of our role. And if you are reading this, you know I have found the strength to click on the publish button.

To all my fellow students and aspiring bloggers, I encourage you to embrace challenges with open arms. Whether it's starting something new, pursuing a dream, or simply stepping out of your comfort zone - remember that each challenge is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. With courage, determination, and an eagerness to learn, we can conquer any obstacle that comes our way.

All the best!